Call for papers


Discourse Relational Devices

3rd International Conference on Linguistic & Psycholinguistic Approaches to Text Structuring (LPTS 2016)

24-26 January 2016, Universitat de València (Spain) 

After a first edition in Paris in September 2009 and a second edition at the University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) in 2011, a third edition of Linguistic & Psycholinguistic Approaches to Text Structuring (LPTS 2016) will take place at the University of Valencia (Spain) on January, 24-26, 2016.

The aim of the conference is to analyze how discourse relational devices (DRDs) work in oral and written texts. The term ‘discourse relational devices’ (DRDs) includes, but is not limited to, discourse markers, and it refers to expressions such as because, but, however, I mean, well, first, second, to take an example or in this line, that help a speaker structure and organise discourse. In spite of their universal character and the crucial role they fulfil in the communicative function of language, their semantic and pragmatic nature is difficult to grasp, as may be witnessed by the hundreds of academic studies on DRDs published in the last twenty years on many different languages. An additional line of research is psycholinguistic in nature, and often takes an experimental approach. This program studies human cognition by investigating the mechanisms underlying discourse coherence, including the (first language) acquisition and (on-line) processing of DRDs and the coherence relations they signal.

Conference themes

We particularly encourage papers that address new research on discourse markers and other related linking devices in one of the following research areas:

  • Functional classifications
  • Formal classifications
  • Relevant features in DRDs description and classification
  • Cross-linguistic variation and typological studies
  • Translation studies on DRDs
  • DRDs annotation and tools
  • Psycholinguistic approaches to DRDs
  • Experimental research on DRDs
  • Acquisition of DRDs

Proposal types

There will be three different types of presentation:

  • Full paper (20 minutes + 8 minutes for discussion)
  • Research in progress (10 minutes + 8 minutes for discussion), intended to present research still at a preliminary stage and on which researchers would like to get feedback.*
  • Poster

*Young researchers are specially invited to submit a proposal. Research in progress will be discussed in a special session.

Keynote speakers

  • Liesbeth Degand (Université catholique de Louvain) “Discourse Relational Devices in TextLink: From (categorial) description to corpus annotation, and back again”
  • Kerstin Fischer (University of Southern Denmark) “Definitions of discourse markers and their fuctions as Discourse Relational Devices”
  • Völker Gast ((University of Jena) “’Doing corpus-based typology: Concessivity in a cross-linguistic perspective’”
  • Óscar Loureda (University of Heidelberg) “Discourse markers and Experimental Linguistics”

Organizing committee

  • Maria Josep Cuenca (Universitat de València)
  • Salvador Pons (Universitat de València)
  • Catherine Bolly (Université catholique de Louvain)
  • Liesbeth Degand (Université catholique de Louvain)

Localorganizing committee

  • Maria Estellés (Universitat de València)
  • Adrián Cabedo (Universitat de València)
  • Laura Eliodoro (Universitat de València)

Scientific committee

  • Karin Aijmer (Göteborg University)
  • Nicholas Asher (CNRS, IRIT, Toulouse)
  • Carla Bazzanella (Università di Torino)
  • Margarita Borreguero (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
  • Antonio Briz (Universitat de València)
  • Luis Cortés (Universidad de Almería)
  • Manuel Casado Velarde (Universidad de Navarra)
  • Laurence Danlos (Université Paris Diderot)
  • Liesbeth Degand (Université catholique de Louvain)
  • Gabriele Diewald (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
  • Jacqueline Evers-Vermeul (Universiteit Utrecht)
  • Kerstin Fischer (University of Southern Denmark)
  • Catalina Fuentes (University of Seville)
  • Volker Gast (University of Jena)
  • Mikel Iruskieta (University of the Basque Country)
  • Araceli López Serena (Universidad de Sevilla)
  • Óscar Loureda (University of Heidelberg)
  • Ana Cristina Macário Lopes (Universidade de Coimbra)
  • David Martins de Matos (Universidade de Lisboa)
  • Caterina Mauri (Università di Pavia)
  • Amália Mendes (Universidade de Lisboa)
  • Jiří Mírovský (Charles University Prague)
  • Paola Pietrandrea (University of Tours)
  • José Portolés (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
  • Ted Sanders (Universiteit Utrecht)
  • Wilbert Spooren (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
  • Manfred Stede (University of Potsdam)
  • Jacqueline Visconti (University of Genoa)
  • Richard Waltereit (Newcastle University)
  • Sandrine Zufferey (University of Fribourg)

Important dates

  • Submission deadline: 20 July 2015
  • Notification of acceptance/rejection: 30 September 2015
  • Early-bird registration deadline: 15October 2015
  • Conference: 24-26 January 2016

 Languages of the conference

Plenary sessions will be delivered in English. Papers and posters can be presented in any language, but no translation service will be provided.


Abstract should be anonymous and between 300 and 500 words (excluding references) and must specify how the paper will contribute to the theme of the conference. It should clearly state research questions, approach, method, data and (expected) results. Make sure you include the type of contribution (full paper, research in progress, poster).

Abstracts should be submitted via Easychair (, by 20 July 2015.

Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously. You will be notified of the outcome of the review process by 30 September 2015.

Conference Website:         Contact:

Registration: Details about the registration procedure will be posted on the conference website on September 15th. The early-bird fee is 90 €. Full conference fee: 130 €.

Students attending the Training School “Methods and Tools for the analysis of discourse relational devices” (COST Action IS1312, “TextLink: Structuring Discourse in Multilingual Europe”) will have a special fee of 50 €.

Earlier versions:  [First call for papers: LPTS 2016. First call (1)]